
With TymPlates, you’ll follow a pretty solid methodical process. 

First, we get you comfortable with eating clean.  No more loading up on donuts and coffee.  At the completion of this stage, you’ll be able to look at pizza, pasta and soda – and laugh. 

Then, using the Metabolic Reset Guide (Phase 1) we get your cells clean through our 3-week detoxification plan which focuses primarily on the liver – which is where the detox process really occurs. 

As the hardest working organ in the body, the liver is faced with the daily challenge of taking every chemical poison to which you are exposed, and converting that poison into a water-soluble substance that can be excreted via your waste.  Given the enormous amount of toxins that you may encounter daily via the air, water, food, and possibly any pharmaceutical drugs that you may be taking, the liver is over-burdened and needs quite of bit of help to process everything. Without routine internal cleansing of your cells, tissues, and organs through detoxification, sickness and disease can manifest. 

 The TymPlates detox plan is EASY! 

Combine our physician-quality, pea-protein powder containing essential detoxification nutrients with fruit and a non-dairy milk substitute to whip up delicious detox smoothies! 

Just two smoothies, a solid meal, and some healthy snacks daily, supports you in getting clean…and even lean!  And to keep the toxins moving out, a mild colon support product is taken at bedtime.  That’s it! 

You’ll be feeling so good at his point that you will be anxious for what’s next…   

Boom.  We introduce the Targeted weight-release plan as outlined in the Metabolic Reset Guide (Phase 2). 

This phase is designed to support you in reducing body fat and keeping it off for good!  You will accomplish this by still using your ProfilePlate for proper portion balance and caloric intake, while also choosing foods which aid in placing your body in the “fat-burning zone” (ketosis). 

The key?  Eliminating your starchy carbohydrate intake (yellow category foods) and forcing your body to look to fat to burn instead.  Our ketogenic weight-release plan is easy when using your customized ProfilePlate. But what about the good fats, you ask?  No worries; no Paleo dieting here.  Your essential fats are maintained, as your body can’t burn bad fat without good fat! 

And the icing on the cake…physician-quality supplements are added to tackle any food cravings and to further assist your body in safely burning fat for fuel. 

WAIT!! Before You Go

Take Your FREE Metabolic Profile Assessment